Sunday, May 16, 2010


i've been pretty slack with my photo of the days lately. i keep forgetting and waking up in the middle of the night to take some crappy picture of a magazine, book or newspaper i read that day or a film i watched. sometimes it's just a picture of how messy my room is or an outfit i like which i can also use for one of my projects at uni. i started off so well. i think i'd be better at it if i had a film camera because i'd be more selective with my shots and i'd actually look out more for things to take pictures off instead of having days where i take heaps of photos and days when i forget.
i have been writing a bit more though. my passport notebook has helped because i feel kinda quirky when i whip it out to do a little writing. and my multi-coloured pen. when i do different entries in different colours it orders my thoughts in a pretty way.

my phone vibrates harder when the sound is on than when it's simply set to vibrate. i don't know why.

i really just want this year to be over. my heart isn't in study any more. i just want to work and be getting a pay off at the end after all my stressing out. that's getting to be the worst part of studying. i'm doing so much work and i'm still really poor. i don't think i'll go and get a career next year, i', not entirely sure what i want to do with my life, i just want to be doing some dull, meaningless job somewhere and earning heaps of money so i can go and see the world, or move somewhere really awesome. be able to just go to a hair dressers and get my hair died white and not having to save up for it for a month or so. not worrying so much about eating out, even when the meal amounts to a measly $6. i don't know what i could do though. i should probably have multiple jobs. i just want this year to be over.

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