Tuesday, May 11, 2010

dad just smashed my car

remember "remain alert, not alarmed", well since this time square car bomb debacle the US have been throwing around their own little snappy line, "if you see something, say something". remember when only bored, trapped house wives could get away with gossiping and staring out the window at their neighbours? i don't, i'm gen y so i've grown up in fear using facebook to spy on people and text messaging to gossip, locking doors and windows, walking on the opposite side of the road, not going too far into shady neighbourhoods etc. inspired by the slogan "loose lips sink ships", popular during war times in the early 20th century to stop people talking about national affairs in case spies were listening, but written by an advertising agency worker for a subway company. allen kay, the slogans ingenious writer, wanted to write something that would help society a little after september 11, and as well as becoming a post 9/11 i ♥ NY, it has clearly worked. i mean there would have been a lot of false calls, and i'm sure that seeing as how it took such a long for a police response to the car the police don't really appreciate societies heightened alertness. particularly when artists pop up with crazy silhouette sculptures of people standing on the edges of buildings, false calls would be part of their repertoire by now, but i guess a scare like this, even if it turns out the palestinians had nothing to do with it and it was just disgruntled muslim extremists pissed off with south park for making fun of the prophet muhammad, would shock authorities back into action.
growing up with these kinds of slogans always made me kind of desensitized to situations i ought to be looking out for, like smokers who have grown up buying cartons featuring mouth cancer and gross feet, yet continue to smoke anyway. i feel like im doing some government agency that's costing huge percentages of my tax money to run's job. i ought to be getting paid to spy on people in a creepy dobby kind of way.
i prefer to watch people behind the protection of my dark shades and write about their conversations or draw them in my moleskins. today i bought a notebook disguised as a passport. my first entry was about the triviality and traumatic experiences those who can not or did not ever have children and children who have no parents or who's mothers have died experience on mothers day and how once this devastating day has passed these people may not be able to get over a forward reminder of the days existence and your lack of child/mother after the event. friggin bogan's. mind your own bloody business, people don't catch trains to socialise with inappropriate degenerates.

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