Wednesday, May 12, 2010

if i love a man does that make me a crap feminist?

warm turkish apple tea from t2 is awesome on a really cold day. the bom is doing nothing for me at the moment, once the average temp for the day is below 18C, put more clothes on. even with my big warm jacket on today i was cold because my legs and my face were not in said jacket and they were still really cold. brr.
but im home now and in the mood for more ranting. [i do it quite on. i think the title of led zeppelin's opus ramble on was inadvertently inspired by me as is does in fact have little to do with the lord of the rings content of the song.]
i just want to have a little bitch about iron man 2 because i went to see it with the boy on saturday and i was really torn. i know that sam rockwell is kind of type cast some times as an unsuspecting bad guy but it's really hard for me to truly hate him because i love him and when i'm meant to hate his character i just can't help but think that it's the fault of the script writers for not giving him sufficient material to work with. i do like his moves though. he must just throw that in himself. but enough of sam. i was disappointed by the lack of proper character development in the story because i know from what i've read of hulk and future spider man and the release of captain america and thor films that all these marvel entertainment productions are gearing up for a huge avengers series bringing the major superheros together. fair enough you're setting up for an avengers series and major sequels [i don't know if you'd still call an avengers film a sequel because it would be a sequel to so many films]. ok, so, set up the films sequels, but don't lose site of the story at hand. firstly, scarlett johansson, what a baben' black widow, but there's more to her than that. she didn't just show up at shield, she was a russian spy who defected. i'm sensing a prequel is in order here. i mean if wolverine gets one, then she should too. wolverine's crap. but i think iron man is a pretty damn good character, but the films make him out to be quite shallow and self involved. he's as deep and troubled as batman or any of the dc dudes, but he doesn't get the credence he deserves. i mean they touched on it with the whole father thing but he's so much more than that. his strength comes from his genius and the fact that he is able to tap into this despite his up bringing and how privileged he is. i mean he invents a friggin' new element in the new one, he's a bloody genius. and he recognises that the world needs a superhero, someone like robin hood who'll stand up for the average joe. someone who will shut down the big bad no matter who he is. but he just seems like a brat. in the tv series and from what i've read online of the comics he's more of a cryptic characters in a cryptic situation, inheriting his fathers empire and trying his best to try and figure out what he's left behind as well as struggling with the stark legacy. i mean his dad is a good guy. right? i mean he wants peace, but he designs and builds weapons. i think it's all too complicated for the films to go in to.
me and the boy were comparing iron man and spiderman in terms of awesomeness, morals and superness and we got into a heated argument about origins and he bit me. this is how much we care about comic books.

1 comment:

  1. if you write something and it gets posted somewhere and people read it, does it mean it makes any sense and the "writer" has even the slightest grasp of the english language? apparently not.
