Sunday, May 30, 2010

and the fact that I'm trying to fuck you in a church to save my mom's brain

so i bought choke on dvd the other day because a) i love sam rockwell i think he is wonderful b) because it's based on a chuck palahniuk book and as i have previously, i love his too and c) it was on special at jb for $9.98, how could i refuse. god it's a good film. the old ladies in it are so funny. and when his mother... well, you'll just have to see it. actually, if you intend on also reading the book, might i suggests reading the book first, then watch the film. going in the other direction diminishes the brilliance of the book a bit. "and what ever you do, don't rape me on the bed, the bed is silk". brilliant. heather burns cameo is brilliant. but seriously this boy can move.
my favourite part of iron man 2 was when he was all cocky about his fighter robots and he was at the conference dancing on stage. and charlie's angels when we finally find out that he's the bad guy and he starts dancing while drew barrymore is all tied up.
man im tired. i stayed up late last night not doing anything and now im exhausted. i dont think i'll make it the whole way through work tonight. i don't know, i might. i cleaned my room today whilst listening to maggie gyllenhaal reading the bell jar. i've always wanted to read it, but there are so many other books i wanna read that pop up first and when i found the audio version complete with the dulcet tones of maggie's voice i couldn't resist. she has such a beautiful voice and it makes the bell jar sound so magically elegant. i wish i spoke in a 1950s kind of drawl using amazing words like "oh darling" and "isn't he a card?" and "oh that's just elegant". i'd need a drastic wardrobe change and my hair would need to be in proper curls and not just wild untamed mane kinda curl's. pin curl's if i had the time. or rollers.
i wonder what my stripper name would be. or my roller derby one. i've been thinking about it but it's hard, i'm not that clever. i mean i have come up with alright one's for my roller derby alter ego, but i want a heaps witty one like the names of the characters on whip it.
and we're back to drew barrymore.
i've been trying to find some photo's from yesterday but i don't know where to look. i mean heaps of people took our picture so there have to be some out their somewhere, but where... i thought the age website might have some pictures, but it doesn't. i mean how is the winner of the eurovision song contest bigger breaking news than melbourne getting a world record. especially one relating to comic books, which is normally something reserved for a minority and not enough people to break a world record. i mean i understand gary coleman's death still sorta being a big news story, and dennis hopper's is definitely news worthy, but eurovision...
success. the herald sun website has a gallery. fingers crossed we're on it. could take a while to get through though. the internet has been crazy since the phone lines started going down. and i need to save the download and load capacity for iview tonight because i'll miss doctor who as i'll be at work, so i'll have to watch it on iview.
ok, so there are no pictures of lovely_girl and i. what a shame. i'll keep looking though, maybe some of the photo's will be on facebook or something.
pomegranate and cranberry juice assortments are on sale at coles. i'm feeling a little more awake now. so much juice sugar. and apparently cranberry juice is really good for the skin. and i need all the help i can get.
well here are some moves of sam's. see, i'm not making this up. if he could sing as well he'd be a modern day gene kelly or something. a triple threat.

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