Friday, July 2, 2010

what a week

This week has been a full on busy crazy weird week indeed. it began, as most weeks do, on monday. I had planned to do some work around the house but when i sat down to do my column and sat up once finished, everything was being done, so i did some little odd things, updating some old piccies of events for friends of mine from the start of the year and they've asked me for them. for instance at the start of the year lovely_girl had a garden party and i took a could of pictures of the events proceedings and she wanted them so i put them up, then i got a call from the boy [very exciting getting calls now because my ringtone is now the doctor who theme song :) ] and he said he wanted to go to the movies so we went to kino to see rocket science which is a lovely film about high school debaters and kids with lisps and it was made in 2007 but released now for some strange reason. anyway it was written and directed by the guy who made the documentary spellbound about the national spelling bee kids, so his incite into the nerdy activities of the high school debate team kids was incredible. it was dry, witty, clever and heart warming as well as shocking, hilarious and wonderful. i want to see it again but i'll save my money for other things. i don't want to say too much more because i feel i might ruin it, but if you get the chance to get down to kino while it's on i suggest you go see it. on monday's you can see films there for $7. how awesome is that?
tuesday i went to catch up with lovely_girl and we spent the day looking for scarves and bow ties for our respective boys. the boy lost his scarf a while ago when someone stole his bag off the train, so i bought him a new one. it's very nice, and he actually likes it. win. i also used the opportunity of lovely_girl meeting up with her new boy to introduce myself and make sure he's good enough for her/ he was late getting into the city but i can forgive him for tardiness [the boy is the worst so i know that boys aren't generally very good at getting to places on time no matter how much they like the girl] and because he seems really lovely and he makes lovely-girl absolutely glow with happiness, and that is definitely a good thing.
after my lovely day out, the boy and i went home for dinner and then returned to the city to see the greasers and the custom kings at the toff. it has been a while since i've seen any of that crowd and it was great to catch up with some old friends. i also got the opportunity to say hello to my old internship boss. she's lovely and i haven't seen her since laneway so it was good to see her again. the bands were wonderful as always and they played some new songs i hadn't heard them play before so that was good. we got home at a reasonable time and had a good sleep [well a long sleep, i don't sleep well at all when it's cold and i think my snuggling up to the boy for warmth may have made his sleep quite restless too]. we got up at an ok time, meandered through the morning and then got on the train to the city. i started work early and couldn't hang about but we used some of my coupons to get free burgers and donuts and went to fat to see my beloved diana [the camera i really really want which is on special and i shall make mine one day] and had some coffee. then on bourke street we parted ways, the boy to the comic book store and i to the station. then work and home.
on thursday the female_parental_unit and i went into uni to the radio studio's so i could put the music together for her wakakirri. it was great, i'm so nifty at sound editing. afterward we went to sister bella for pizza and chips and mum bought me a cider. yum yum. then we went looking for tea pots but couldn't find any reasonably priced/nice ones and so we went to the order of melbourne so that she could see the place where i want to have my 21st. she liked it so i can book it in now and it'll be grand. then she went to catch the train and i continued shopping until i met lovely_girl for an exhibition opening at no vacancy where they were giving out free chai with a shot of butterscotch schnapps. yummy. it was a good show but i wasn't really in it. i'd been walking around for ages from shop to shop looking for a tea pot and i just wanted to sleep.
when the boy and i got up this morning we watched Hausu, this fantastic shit japanses fantasy horror film from the '70s. go out and see it because it is hilarious.
anyway, the biggest news was that last night i got an email from the melbourne international film festival offering me some work in the office during the festival, so i'll be in there with all the important people, working the room and making sure they all know me and how hard a worker i am and shall all give me wonderful jobs next year.
i'm super duper excited and simply cannot wait.

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