Monday, July 5, 2010


not sly, the doctor. woah. what a week. so there's this pandorica thing right and it's meant to have all the scariest things in the universe are meant to be inside the box safe from destroying the universe etc like pandora's box. so that's what this weeks episode was all about and if you haven't seen that one don't read on.
so the episode opens with the classic "hello sweetie" calling card of doctor river song after she has received a call from winston churchill after he received a message from vincent van gogh, a very distressing rendition of the tradis exploding which i'm thinking from his reaction is what made him eventually snap and become completely insane resulting in him taking his own life, but that's just a side thought, a bit of extra steven moffat brilliance. anyway, so river song graffitied the oldest cliff face in history with a message for the doctor. he knew about the exploding tardis already of course because in the silurian episode when rory dies because when he reached into the crack he pulled out a chunk of the tardis all burned up and broken and such, so it's nothing new to him but it all is starting to come together. so, river song made the doctor meet her in the roman era in great britain and they road off on horses in search of the legendary pandorica. but it's all the scariest things in the universe, wouldn't you want to bury it never to be seen again? of course, but you'd want to know where it was just in case right? so if you're in britain and want to landmark something that huge, where do you put it? under stonehenge of course. so that's been explained now then, a big land mark receiver thingie hiding the most feared thing in the universe and it's opening. the doctor doesn't know what is inside but it's opening, and that's not all. the rocks are sending out messages all over the universe telling everyone, the dalek's, the cybermen, the silurian's, the soltarin's, everyone that it's ready and they're all to come immediately. now the doctor, being the doctor, is ignoring all the coincidences that keep happening, but he should be trying to connect them all because not only did amy love the roman era at school, but she also loved pandora's box when she was a kid, and guess who fell through the crack and woke up in roman era britain? yep, that's right, rory. but the doctor is ignoring all this and trying to figure out who is in the box because all his greatest enemies have come to see it open, so it must be big, but what is it?
i'm quite unimpressed he didn't figure it out sooner i mean he is asking himself "why does everyone else know who you are and i don't know who you are?" of course it has something to do with you doctor, it's a trap. i wish he wasn't so badass cos he would have run away. so anyway it ended with river song trying to land the tardis after it was taken over by some outside forced but she landed against a brick wall and couldn't get out. but of course river song is on an alternative time path and we know already that this isn't how she dies because her death hasn't happened yet. but i guess when all the doctor's known enemies have teamed up in an alliance because of these cracks that have been chasing amy all over time and space, perhaps they have a better control of time and can rewrite it. the doctor's deal has always been preserving it and making sure it's all on track and stuff, i guess making up for being the only time lord left or something, he feels he is the protector of the course of time or something and when glitches happen in the matrix he has to go and patch it up.
but river song must still be alive because she died the first time she met the doctor [from his perspective anyway]. but also i think she has to be the one to kill him. i'm interested in river song very much but i will only read further on her when this series finishes in case i read too much, and we're having a party for the episode next week so i don't want to know anything.
so i guess we get the amy thing now then. the 26th june 2010, the night before amy's wedding is the night the alliance stormed amy's house and stole her memories, using them to trap the doctor. which i guess is why rory was there. he wasn't really rory because he had a gun hand and he shot amy, but he remember being in the cave and falling through the crack and none of the alliance would have been able to know that unless they've mastered the art of time travel and time control.
but i don't want to think about it any more in case i crack some sort of code and ruin the next episode.
let's just leave is at how sucky it is having the doctor trapped inside the pandorica with amy dying/dead and river song about to blow up and none of the alliance listening to the doctor. they put him in the pandorica because they got the message about the exploding tardis and that destroying the universe, and seeing as the doctor is "the only one who can fly the tardis" he must be the one to blame. but who just flew the tardis into a black hole of kinds and can't get out...

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