Sunday, June 13, 2010

back to the beginning

As you may or may not know depending on how closely you read this blog and how much you focus on things other than my annoyance at being lactose intolerant and putting your own anger into my words, then you would know that i have gone back to 1963 and am planning to watch every season of doctor who up to the present. episode 6 of the first season sees the introduction of the dalek's. they're pretty retro. still have the same lame computerised voice and all the lame features as now. it's amazing how similar they are now considering it was 57 years ago that they were first seen. and the doctor has radiation poisoning so he's not quite as valiant as old matt smith and his jam biscuit. in fact he's pretty useless. i hate the first doctor. he's so devious and sneaky and doesn't care about anyone else but himself, he's very annoying actually. if he was a little less creepy looking perhaps he would be charming, but i just find him annoying. and his companions, geez. a bloody geography teacher trying to be all tough for his english teaching girlfriend and the unearthly child... give me a break.
the dalek's are as evil as ever. they're a little hard to understand so i don't quite know exactly what they're planning but i know they're going to let the doctor and his companions die so that they can do something with the drugs that would save them from radiation poisoning. the special effects in this series are amazing. and the acting. my god. the dalek's are the most charismatic characters in this season, and they're just giant cheese graters on wheels.
i sound like i'm really hating on doctor who, but i absolutely love movies and tv shows that are so bad they're good and all these things i am listing that seem bad are actually redeeming qualities. but the thing i said about hating the first doctor is a bad things. i thought he was meant to be a character we aligned with, who we liked and wanted to root for. but he's just cruel and nasty.
wow. the dalek's were once teachers and philosophers. how strange is that...
the innuendo of this other race who have battled against the dalek's and now seek help because the radiation left over from their war is killing their food supplies, their innuendo is very lame. he he. "not yet a woman. ha ha."
the doctor and susan and babara and ian have defeated a dalek. he sucks electricity from the floor, like a dodgem car or something. but what they didn't realise is that the moving devise isn't the dalek and the engine inside isn't an engine, it's a dalek and although it's made of metal and everything it can move around by itself. creepy. i'm getting some insight into these characters of late. i wonder how they will approach them when they come back in the new series now that they have a new paint job and are all regenerated. will they exterminate the whole universe? i dont know.
one thing i will say is good about the doctor in the first series is that he is inquisitive and likes to explore things. i guess this is the one thing carried from doctor to doctor. i guess it has to be passed down, how would they generate story lines if he was just boring and didn't want to look in to anything.
you can see how they had set out to make the dalek's the doctor's deadliest enemy and all. i'm already 5 episode's into this disc and they're still trying to defeat them. unbeknown to them the dalek's are in the throws of killing themselves. they've become dependent on the radiation and have to drop a neutron bomb in order to restore the balance.
god my back hurts from all the dancing i did last night. I'm afraid alcohol has the effect on me that i assume pills have on other people. it makes me want to just go and go and go and go and go... i did a pretty good job of paparazzi-ing it up though, took a couple of hundred photographs of the mexican antics, including a tequila poisoned birthday boy hurling the entire contents of his stomach onto the grass. poor kid. oh to be young again.

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