Thursday, June 10, 2010

almost there

i'm taking a little breather from my feminist classical hollywood cinema essay in order to finish an energy drink in order for me to type quicker and have this blisteringly amazing essay in on time. yes i do realise that feminist classical hollywood cinema is an oxymoron, but i'm attempting to insert a healthy dose of general feminist theory to defend the rights of the sex symbol [she may be exploited by the studio system with her power lying in her flesh, but she makes a good living from this and hell, if she wants to be sexy she can be sexy] and deconstruct the world of hitchcock down to its psychoanalytical roots. it's the end of semester and i promise i won't be talking like this after today. it's just bad timing. i'm not always such a pretentious film reading twat.
boy i type quick when i am drinking energy drinks. my brain can hardly keep up.
the boy came down for a visit at lunch time and we had a little picnic together. i must have said something to annoy him but i don't remember so another likely scenario is that he just felt like annoying me but anyway, as our internet connection in bacchus marsh is primitive at best, we have blown the monthly limit for the second time which, between my doctor who love fest and the siblings obsession with one tree hill [please do not ask me why, i don't understand] and the fact that it isn't on australian tv anymore and the next season isn't on dvd yet or is but is really expensive and the fact that i keep missing doctor who on account of the fact that i work every sunday night, it's not that hard to see why, when it is only the 11th of the month, our limit has been blown. i'm really rather sick of not having a proper connection simply because we are so far away from a major city. like i have said previously, rudd, get your act together. i want my fast broadband and i want it now.
the point i was getting at was that the boy decided not to let me come over on monday and watch doctor who on his computer because he's annoying and does those kinds of things, so yesterday when he was all "i won't let you" i went on the computers on the bottom floor of building, where i am currently completing my essay and where people hardly ever come because no-one really knows it is down here, and i checked if iview worked in here, and it does. the fandangly new computers in building six won't play iview so you could imagine my shock and excitement when i discovered that the ratty old ones in building six do have iview.
anyway, it's friday now, not thursday and my essay is completed, handed in and wonderful. i'm hoping very wonderful because i need to come back from my credit earlier in the semester. as the computers at rmit don't do a lot of things they did last year i am having trouble making my m4v video an mov and in the mean time have decided to have a break from academic blogging, tumblring and uploading content to the pool and am focused on catching up on the one episode of doctor who i still haven't had a chance to watch which is the victory of the dalek's. this title worries me because i don't want the dalek's to be victorious at anything, and as i know from the last episode, they are somehow helping out winston churchill in world war two. anyway, i have watched the first 20 minutes and am waiting for the next 20 minutes to load. man i love this website. more on this ep when i have finished watching it.
ok, first of all, how brilliant is the doctor to be able to ward off extermination from the darlek's with a jam biscuit? he is such a genius. but the boy was right, this episode did change my mind about the dalek's. i don't think they're as lame as i used to think they were, stupid over sized cheese graters that can't go up stairs.
i just had to wipe away a bit of a tear from my eyes. i feel so bad for the doctor. he's such a nice guy he couldn't sacrifice the world to get rid of the dalek's once and for all. and now they've gone into the future to regroup and become the ultimate dalek's, the kind that can destroy the universe. i just have one query, if the dalek's don't have arms, how on earth are they able to make tea and robots and spaceships and the like... it is one thing that bigs me about doctor who to no end.
i just can't see how he's going to be able to destroy them this time. and why is he so sympathetic to the human race? i thought it might have something to do with the future and these supposed amazing advancements we make and what not. i think it might have more to do with the fact that we look like time lord's and considering the doctor is the last of the time lords and had to sacrifice the whole of his race into an eternal battle with the dalek's in some time space continuum then he perhaps sees saving the human race again and again as some kind of redemption. i don't know, but it's great to see the new series dealing with the doctor in such a deep and meaningful way. i mean most people either love it or hate it, they think of the doctor who as some amazing show about this trippy dude who floats around the universe going from one time and place to another. other's like myself, see it as THE BEST SCI-FI EVER! and by that i mean it isn't just some dude in a blue box flying around in time and space, he is the last of his species and has a lot to be sad, angry, remorseful, apologetic, excited and scared about, but he just gets on with his business, saving the world and such.
i'm really getti9ng excited about the crack that is following amy around now. i wonder how it is all going to end...

1 comment:

  1. I have very good broadband internet at home, which is shared between five people over three computers and two laptops - maybe you should change providers?

