Sunday, June 27, 2010

oh doctor

a little on the doctor's adventures later, firstly, it has been an epic week and my little reminisce of the brilliance of last weeks doctor who made me completely ignorant to just how amazing a week it was. firstly, goodbye australia. unfortunately we're just too attuned to the world around us and the booboozella's distracted us too much, couldn't concentrate on playing good footy. and those umpires, dont get me started. it was a gallant effort and i applaud the boys for doing us proud.
second, goodbye kevin dudd, hello julia gillard. in a matter of hours we went from a male prime minister to a female prime minister, and in the hours since it has been female this and red head that. goddamn it, get over her hair already. also, i'm kind of disappointed that our first lady pm is the result of factional party members and not the voting public. it makes it seem less historic. now if she does get actually elected at the end of the year, then maybe i'll feel it, but at the moment i feel a bit cheated.
and man, that tennis match. 10 odd hours. jesus. i couldn't even imagine watching a game that long let alone playing it. my goodness those blokes are game. that's the most amount of world records i think that have ever been broken during one game. how historic. and i can't for the life of me even remember their names. hmmph.
so, today was the community cup, the greatest footy match of all time. forget the big leagues, forget world cups, forget world records, head down to elsternwick oval on the right day and you'll witness sport at it's greatest. the espy rock dogs [made up of members of local bands who have played at the espy before, or at least really like the espy and support local music etc captained by dan sultan and vice captained by tim rogers of you am i fame, managed by Fred Negro and with members including all the spazzy's, a couple of vasco era's, a cosmic psycho and a spiderbait or two] battle it out against the megahertz [a team made up of rrr and pbs presnters and program directors etc, co-captained by two lovely ladies] for the community cup while before, after the game and at half time a diverse range of local bands play for our enjoyment, including, this year, the living end. and all for a five buck donation. so the game got off to a sluggish start, as it usually does, but picked up in the last half, particularly final quarter, and we had a real game on our hands. there was a bit of actual footy on display, which was unusual, and in the dying seconds a megaherts goal resulted in a one point upset that saw the rock dogs lose for the first time in 5 years. it was a great day. and i got home in time to waltz over to nana's to watch doctor who.
so, the doctor got stuck in some b oring english suburb and decided to rent a room in a little flat with a sweet boy in love with his best friend. turns out, oh yeah, if you havent watched this episode, head my warning...


you've been warned.
so, the upstairs of the flat is actually a space ship that has gone into emergency mode and is killing people so that it can go home. so the doctor moves in to try and figure out what it is, meanwhile, amy is stuck in the tardis and it's whirling around the universe, in and out of time vortex's etc and the doctor is talking to her on a snazzy earpiece. pretty cool. and it turns out he's really good at football. who'd have thunk it?
but the best part of the ep by far was when the doctor was having a shower, and then... he got out of the shower in a hurry because he thought his flatmate craig was in trouble and in his rushing... he dropped his towel. i think my heart stopped for a moment. it was super sexy.
so, there are only two episode's left, and at the end of this episode amy found the ring. the ring the ring, i sound like i'm talking about lord of the rings but i'm not. speaking of rings and lords and spoiler alert's, i've never read lord of the flies and today at the game one of the commentator's, bigsy i think, let it slip that at the end of lord of the flies everyone dies. damn you bigsy. anyway, back to the doctor and the ring.
the ring is the ring rory bought for amy when he proposed. then rory got sucked into the crack and his memory was erased from amy's mind. poor amy. and rory. anyway, she doesn't remember rory at all and yet his ring is there in the tardis, because the tardis is special etc, all other traces of rory are gone. so i guess, there is hope for him yet. anyway the ep ended on amy looking at the ring all shocked and crazy music etc, but i don't quite know what she was thinking. it's hard to say because she could have been remembering rory or she could have been thinking "shit, the doctor wants to marry me. hey yeah, that could be good". firstly, amy, back off, he's mine. secondly, you're not the marrying kind. thirdly, does the doctor even marry? i don't know. river song alluded to it, but she's back next week too. i wonder if we'll ever get an explanation as to susan ie the doctor's granddaughter who travelled with him way back in 1963. it could be coming.
my grandma must have thought i was going mental. there was a crack in the wall at the doctor's apartment and i started going a little batty, gasping and saying "oh my god oh my god oh my god". it's all going to come to a head soon. it's so esciting. only to ep's left. and next week, the shit, hitteth the fan... eth.

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