Friday, June 25, 2010


the semester is over so the boy and i decided to take off for little under a week after i finished a rainy alice in wonderland themed picnic tea party fashion shoot and he finished playing a gig with his gypsy swing band in a hole in the wall in northcote which i attended without having watched doctor who and accompanied by my old roommate. while the boy and co were tuning and sound checking etc we read the penis book. it was quite informative.
the gig ended pretty late and we didn't get back to his place for ages so we decided our best move would be to watch doctor who in bed, then sleep and get up and go to the beach early in the morning. it was a good plan. if your have not watched this weeks doctor who yet ie vincent and the doctor, then perhaps wait until you have watched it before continuing to read this post because i will be discussing it and such and yes, you have been warned.
so, in this episode the doctor takes amy to a vincent van gogh exhibition at a gallery somewhere where bill nighy is the tour guide and upon noticing an evil looking monster thing in the window of a painting of a church he asks bill nighy when it was painted and then takes amy back to the 1800s to meet the dude himself. [whilst discussing this and that with bill nighy the doctor compliments him on his bowtie and again utters the words "bowties are cool". i almost lost my shit, it was such a cool moment. i, however, digress.] So they go back and vincent is as confusing crazy as ever, or is he. the townsfolk think he is mental but really he is special, he sees things in the world that we can't see, for instance, evil monster looking thingies in churches that get about terrorising people making him look crazy. the doctor doesn't think he is crazy and he helps him by defeating the monster alien thing, only to realise that is was just scared and alone because its own race had visited earth, not liked it, and he got left behind. but in some way they helped the thing because by killing it they put it out of its misery.
at the end of it all, and totally consumed by the gravity of vincent's depression and knowing that he is going to be one of the most significant artists of all time can't bare to think that he would continue the last year of his life thinking himself worthless, the doctor takes him to the museum in the future to the exhibition of his works and get bill nighy to explain what he thinks of vincent van gogh, which was this beautiful speech about him being the most significant artist of all time and that his expression was eloquent and his torment so vivid it made anyone viewing his painting compassionate and sad. it was obviously a lot nicer than that but it was so sweet because vincent thought so little of himself and his craft and when he was listening to that i started crying. it was a beautiful episode.
when they took vincent back to his own time amy rushed back to the museum hoping to see hundreds more paintings but the exhibition hadn't changed. she got sad because she wanted to have an impression on the painters work and she thought they hadn't until she walked into the room housing his famous sunflowers and above his name on the vase was amy's name. how sweet. so the time line was a little off because he's already painted sunflowers before they got there and he didn't actually go on to have the most prosperous year of his painting life before he killed himself because he actually killed himself a month after amy and the doctor went to see him, and he had both his ears etc, so the episode was a little off, but it was still very beautiful.

so after that we slept then in the morning on monday we went down the beach. our first port of call was the supermarket, then the various op shops around. we went to lots of op shops and i finally got me a faux fur jacket. it's fairly understated as far as fur jackets go, but i like it. i think i'll leave this post here with a nice picture from out picnic.
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